Year 5/6
Welcome to Mrs McQuirk's class
Our Year 5 and 6 class is taught by Mrs McQuirk with Mrs Bury supporting as HLTA. We currently have 21 children in this class.
We use the Maths No Problem scheme of work and the children are split into their year groups for maths. We teach Literacy through high quality texts which are diverse and engaging for the children.
We use Accelerated Reader to ensure that the children are reading an appropriate book with the correct level of support and challenge. It is also used to record reading. Each week for homework the children read to an adult at home and also work on embedding their knowledge of the times tables.
Each child has their own iPad to aid learning which the children are responsible for. Showbie is used to record work and to facilitate home learning.
Our foundation subjects are taught on a two year rolling programme. We aim to make our learning as hands on and exciting as possible.